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I'm Back!

I’m not sure when it started or when it ended. It was in the 90’s, “back in the day,” which is an expression I have yet to find any clarity within the understand. I wrote, From The Hip, a column for the Pinedale Roundup. It even went beyond the borders of the modest community of Pinedale, as it was pseudo-syndicated, finding readership in different publications across Wyoming, Colorado and Nevada.

Some may remember it and agreed with my thoughts and opinions, and thankfully some did not, i.e. the frontrunners of the Forest Service, a former Priest of the Catholic Church and an unnamed employee at the Great Outdoor Shop. I wrote what was on my mind with the hope of placing a spark of stimulation evoking thoughts in others. When life found me living in England and deep into the existence of a photojournalist, I ended the column for lack of time and rural western stimulation I thought it needed.

Now I’m Back! I’m resurrecting From The Hip, from the archives of the past and tossing it into the, what is. Now, even more than in the past, I have an open pallet to write on: events, situations and the nonsensical things that happened, happen and happening hourly. What an orchard of endless bullshit happenings and situations,, an unending supply of head turning events. There are so many ludicrous things occurring day-in and day-out, that for someone without fear of distributing words, has a bountiful harvest of topics.

So, From The Hip is back, and hopefully with it, I may evoke thought, laughter and the idea that freedom of speech and thought cannot be subdued and is one commodity we cannot afford to loose.

The Ending Conclusion: The trust form of freedom is not so much what’s found from the vagabond on the road. True freedom is to speak, live and grow with the thoughts inside your freethinking mind. Freedom is not curtailing your thoughts from the fearful.

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